RME gives $750 to our readers

Six weeks ago I wrote about Revolution Money Exchange (RME), a new PayPal competitor. It is well funded (over $50 million in venture capital) and they don't mind spending the money in order to rapidly grow their user base. Their $25 sign-up bonus promotion, which was set to expire today, has been extended for another 30 days.

Over the last six weeks 30 of our readers have signed up for RME and received $750 in sign up bonuses. When you refer someone else you get an additional $10. One reader commented, "Set my account up-no prob this morning. Set one up for my wife too-$25.00 for me--$25.00 for her and I got a $10 refer fee. Easiest $60.00 I ever made."

We will use the $300 RME bonus we have received to attend the FINOVATE conference in San Francisco and bring you news from more financial start-ups including the new peer to peer lender Loanio.

If you want more information see our previous posts about RME or sign up now.

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange